Tuesday 28 October 2014

Project 3

These are my Dropbox links for project 3. Again I have included the AutoCAD file because some lines and shading became distorted when exporting to PDF.


Tuesday 7 October 2014

Project 2

These are the links to my project 2 submission. My PDF has the required drawings and photographs. I have also included the autocad file since the line thickness changed when I put it int indesign and some lines seem to have become bold and others too feint.


Friday 5 September 2014

Project 1 Submission - The meeting point

In a society where man continues to draw inspiration from nature to solve challenging problems, it only makes sense that we respect nature. In light of this, we have a natural affinity to feel comfortable when exposed to nature. With this in mind, the meeting point is aimed at drawing occupiers away from the busy environment of the campus and is predominantly built below the ground to contrast the grand nature of the sandstone walls and trees nearby.
